There are 4 scholarship applications currently available for the families of St. Anastasia!

St. Thomas Aquinas Scholarship Offered by St. Anastasia Catholic Church

St. Thomas  Aquinas Scholarship 2024-2025—St. Anastasia Parish offers registered families the opportunity to apply for the St. Thomas Aquinas Education Scholarship! This scholarship is available for students enrolling St. Joseph Academy grades 9—12 for the 2025-2026 school year. Application packages will be mailed to eligible families and a notification will be in the bulletin.  For more information, contact Denise Pressley at  904-471-5364


The Father Seamus O’Flynn Scholarship offered by The Knights of Columbus Council #7121

The Father Seamus O’Flynn Scholarship 2025-2026—is for students attending Cathedral Parish School or St. Joseph Academy.  This scholarship is awarded annually by the Knights of Columbus St. Thomas More Council 7121 and is paid directly to the school (in the scholarship recipient’s name) at the beginning of the school year.  PLEASE NOTE: This scholarship is offered by the Knights of Columbus and all applications should be mailed to:

Knights of Columbus
St. Thomas More Council 7121
5205 A1A South
St. Augustine, Florida 32080


The Rosina Patterson Memorial Scholarship offered by The Sisters of St. Joseph

The Rosina Patterson Scholarship Fund—The Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine, FL, is currently accepting applications for the 2025-2026 Rosina Patterson Scholarship Fund. This scholarship is available to high school students who are of good moral standing, and show financial need to attend St. Joseph’s Academy in St. Augustine, FL.


The Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, St. Augustine Lodge # 2780, have been giving deserving students scholarships for 18 years.  The scholarships are for the current school year 2025-2026 to a St Johns County senior with a demonstrable Italian-American heritage.

To request rules and a total application package call 904-461-4911 or email:

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