“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Council Members:


  • Rev. Tim Lindenfelser, Pastor
  • Dr. Brian Schoonover, Director of Business Admin. & Community Outreach
  • Denise Pressley, Director of Formation
  • Theresa Greenwood, Parish Secretary

Purpose of the Pastoral Council

The primary responsibility of the council is pastoral planning. This process envisions, addresses and evaluates the needs and goals of the parish community in light of Church teaching and the mission of the local and larger Church. This responsibility calls forth the gifts of planning, visioning, empowering and evaluating and requires a belief in the concept of shared leadership among the clergy and the laity. The purpose of the council is to explore the pastoral reality, including its relationship with the neighboring parishes and the local Catholic Community, reflect upon it and make a recommendation to the pastor. The specific purposes of the parish pastoral council are:

  • to develop a common vision and purpose, actively advocate for the poor and the powerless, and to extend Christian commitment to the surrounding neighborhoods and communities;
  • to orchestrate under the leadership of the pastor a statement of mission for the parish community and become the reference point for activity in the parish;
  • to provide recommendations as requested by the pastor for parish priorities, directions and policies through pastoral planning for worship, evangelization, outreach, stewardship, etc. and
  • to promote communication, understanding, and collaboration between the parish, the bishop, the diocese and the universal Church.
  • to promote communication, understanding, and collaboration between the parish, the bishop, the diocese and the universal Church.

2015 – 2020 Pastoral Plan

2015 – 2020 Pastoral Plan Summary

Parish Pastoral Council Membership Application

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