Born December 9, 1579 in Lima, Peru, St. Martin de Porres is best known for his charitable work. His piety allowed him access to the Dominican order of his country, and his acts of compassion for the sick became part of the justification for his canonization as the first black saint of the Americas.

The St. Martin de Porres Community Outreach Room, located just off the Narthex of St. Anastasia, is coordinated by Sister Anne Halpin and her legion of volunteers. The room receives donations of non-perishable (in-date) food, gently used clothing and shoes, new adult sized socks & undergarments, yoga mats, travel size soap & shampoo and feminine items.  With summer upon us, sunscreen, chap stick and bug spray are in demand. With the help of the volunteers, those donations are then sorted and disseminated through out the community based on the needs and/or requests of each community group. The room supports the Wildflower Clinic, St. Francis House, Home Again St. Johns, local farm workers and various other entities that assist in helping our brothers in sisters in need in the community.

The room is open Monday through Friday from 9:00am-10:00am and 30 minutes before and after each of the weekend Masses.

If you would like more information about volunteering with the St. Martin de Porres Community Outreach Room, please contact the parish office at 904.471.5364

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