March 24, 2020 10:00 pm

St. Anastasia will be starting limited hours and access to the Parish Office. Starting Tuesday, March 24th, office hours are 9:00am – 12:00pm. During hours of operation, one person at a time will be allowed to enter the office lobby. We are doing our best to adhere to the social distancing notices for the safety of parishioners, visitors and staff. If, after hours, there is an emergency or if someone is in danger of death, please call 904-471-5364 and press 3.

Eucharistic Exposition has been suspended, however, the church will be open to those who wish to take part in individual prayer Monday through Friday 9:00am – 7:00pm, Saturday from Noon – 5:00pm and Sunday 8:00am – Noon. We ask that you adhere to the guidelines of the government regarding group size and social distancing. To support your faith journey during this difficult time, we created a Spiritual Resources page that will be updated daily. Click on the “View More Online” link below

The publisher of our bulletin has ceased printing production for the next two weeks. We will continue to produce a bulletin so that it will not only keep parishioners and visitors informed of parish news, but it will offer reflections, prayers and other spiritual materials. The bulletin will be available online on the parish web site.

In the meantime, please continue to follow St. Anastasia social media, Parish App and the parish web site. God bless.
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