October 3, 2019 4:00 pm

Women’s Scripture Study
Our lives can sometimes feel a lot like running a race because of our haste to get all our tasks done. We must also remember that during a race, we need routine pit stops to rest and replenish so that we are able to finish our days and weeks feeling well.

Make a pit stop in your race and join us!

Tuesday Evening Sessions : ’Beholding His Glory; Christ Revealed in the Old
Testament’. This 9-lesson study by Walking With Purpose, looks at
Creation, The Fall, Noah and so much more.
Tues.— 6:30—8:30 pm Dates: Oct. 8, 15, 22, 29 / Nov. 5, 12, 19

Wednesday Morning Session: ‘Grounded in Hope’’. This is a 17 week study by
Walking With Purpose on the Letter to the Hebrews. Come see how HOPE is
revealed in the Letter to the Hebrews!
Weds. 9:45—11:45 a.m. Oct. 9,16, 23, 30 / Nov. 13, 20

Both studies take place in the St. Enda of Aran Formation Center. Registration packets are in the Narthex, in the parish office or on the website
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