Newman Connection
Graduating high school Seniors and College Students- Connect to Campus Ministry through the Newman Connection at your college!
Connect to Campus Ministry. Unite in Prayer. Grow in your Faith.
Start connecting…. www.newmanconnection.com

Frassati Hall: Catholic Faith-Based Housing
Are you considering attending College in Jacksonville? We are happy to announce that there is Catholic Faith-Based Housing available to you including seating for 60 people in the Chapel. You can choose from 2 different floor plans. One floor plan with 4 bedrooms or a smaller option with two bedrooms.
Location: Frassatti Newman Hall is located on St. Johns Bluff Rd, in the vicinity of the University of North Florida campus and St. Johns Town Center.
Visit www.Frassatihall.com or find the flyer here Frassatti Newman Hall at UNF (1)
11291 Alumni Way Jacksonville, FL 32246
(904) 516.8140