2024-2025 PREP Registration preparation is now in progress for Parish Religious Education Program for children entering Pre-K through the Eighth Grade. Registration packets will be sent home to all registered parishioners. Registration forms and the calendar will be made available below. Click on the link, print, complete both registration forms and return to the parish office. Please contact the Director of Formation, Denise Pressley if you are new to the parish or need more information about our Religious Education program at 904-471-5364 X112 or by email here. REGISTRATION PACKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE ONLINE THIS WEEK

Mission Statement

In keeping with the Mission Statement of our parish, our vision for our children is to integrate them into the life of the parish, encouraging participation and interaction in the Mass and other parish events. We will support parents in fostering their children’s faith growth by providing a variety of resources and events for them to utilize in the education and faith formation of their children. We will provide quality religious education to all children that will be the foundation of their lifetime of faith. We will provide Sacramental preparation that will encourage children and families to deepen their faith through the gift of full participation in the Sacraments. In doing these things we hope to create a Catholic-Christian atmosphere in which the youth can enjoy fellowship, faith growth, and a love of Jesus Christ which will inspire them to share their time, talent, and treasure in Jesus’ name.


‘Parents are the most influential agents for their children. They have the unique responsibility for the education of their children; they are the first educators, or catechists… At the same time, the Church promises to help the parents foster their children’s faith and assists them…in their role as catechists.’ (NDC 234-35) This is the goal of our parish programs, to assist you in the formation of your children in the faith as disciples of Christ. Through our Wednesday evening programs, children experience the many aspects of the faith that lead to discipleship. Our staff of trained catechists provide children the opportunity to learn about the Eucharist and the love of Jesus Christ and the Church teachings, all which leads to the life of discipleship. We ask that all families new to the program and not baptized at St. Anastasia Parish provide a copy of each child’s Baptismal Certificate along with the registration forms. See registration forms for program fees and volunteer opportunities. If your child is 7 years of age or older and has not yet been baptized or has been baptized in a different faith, please contact Denise Pressley. Please be sure to download the two registration forms, complete them, and scan/email them by clicking here.

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