“Whatever you do for the least of my people, that you do unto me.” Matthew 26:40

Dining with Dignity is a ministry that responds to the repetitive thread throughout the Gospels, a call to serve the hungry and impoverished. It is a program of Home Again St Johns, Inc and provides a hot, balanced and nutritious meal to the homeless and many others in our community living on the edge, a step away from homelessness. The meal is served nightly at 6 pm on the corner of Bridge and Granada St, 365 days a year, rain or shine, in an outdoor parking lot to between 60 and 100 hungry men, women and children.

Over 40 interfaith churches, community organizations and civic groups share in this ministry.  The program is self-sustaining with each group responsible to procure, prepare and serve the meal.  St. Anastasia’s volunteers have been providing this meal on the 3rd Sunday monthly for over 11 years.  Some also help on Wednesday nights when medical services are provided by Wildflower Clinic.

If you would like to join us in this ministry by offering your talents (cooks are always needed) please call Al or Olivia Deinhart, 904-797-2691 or 904-687-4286 or by Email.

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